Saturday we packed up rather early (6 am) and headed out to Bastrop where my cousin and I raced The AdventureRaceGirl Challenge, an all girl adventure race put on by my friend Debbie Richardson. My cousin had never done an adventure race before and I am not sure she will ever do one again :) Not one of her 'bucket list' items she told me mid race. It was a pretty hot race and my cousin had never mountain biked before. We did well on the first trek leg and then started doing some race math the next 3 legs. We were able to do at least a checkpoint in each leg, didn't break Chris's ego, didn't kill Jodi and had an official finish! Pretty successful race IMO. On the way home we picked up our packets for Sunday and had Taco Express again.

Saturday night was the Jeff Dunham concert that Cathy, Garrett, Brian, Jodi and myself had tickets for...we went to Eastside Pies for dinner before the show. The show was great but Guitar Guy was lame. His Obama smashing was ill humored IMO. There was an older couple in front of us that got up and left cause it appeared that Guitar Guy offended them so much.
Sunday morning we got up bright and early again, packed the bikes and took off for Sunday's adventure, The Urban Assault Ride. I was slightly concerned about my cousin since the heat almost killed her on Saturday but she did awesome. Brian and Garrett did the race also and we didn't see them until the very end at the rubber duckie special test. We finished with all the checkpoints before the race cutoff and then had a couple of beers from New Belgium. I won a new Giro helmet for the G-man in a bean bag toss competition and a new hat for Dani in an ultimate disc competition. We had Five Guys for lunch, went home, shwered and took a nap. Trent came over around 6:30 and we all headed down to the lake for Dani's swim team end of season party and awards. After, we came home and watched Hustle and Flow. It was an excellent day!!