It's been a whirlwind of fun since my cousin left. I spent much of the day before we were scheduled to leave for North Carolina getting ready for both the family trip to NC and then G-man and I's trip out west. Packed, laundered and shipped Gayla and my food drop to Mount Rainer.

We were 'scheduled to head out on July 3rd for NC but when we got to the airport we found out our flight had been canceled due to tropical storm Alex and we were re booked on a flight for Sunday. We ended up at the farmer's market and Kirby Lane for p-cakes instead...
We had an uneventful flight on Sunday and Scott picked us up at the airport. Chris and Ray were also at the house when we got there and they cooked a fabulous dinner for us! The kids put on a small 4th of July pageant show and we ended the evening with fireworks by Zeta, Beta and Gamma :)

Monday was spent trying to find the Narrows hike...let me say we are very familiar with hwy 107 now :) We eventually found the Iron Bridge and the hike after visiting slippery rock and silver falls, both beautiful sights.

It's worth mentioning that on the Narrow's hike Tony just happened to find a geocache. Now our history of geocaching is not what one would call..."successful". We historically have spent hours wandering around in the woods never to find a single cache. So it is definitely noteworthy that Tony merely looked down at the right time at the right place and found the cache. He also found a heart shaped rock that day...go figure!

Tuesday we did a gorgeous hike on the Bartram Trail followed by a yummy lunch at the roadhouse grill and then an afternoon swim at Bust Your Butt Falls (seriously). We did our yearly scary-as-shit cliff jumping and I am glad to say that is over. My goal next year is to try and do it slightly more gracefully. The G-man jumped 5 times this year which is 5 times more than he did last year :) Tony had dinner waiting when we got home and we spent the evening in a wii tournament imbibing.

Wednesday was a low key day. We went in to Highlands and with our renewed hope of becoming the world's expert geocachers we decided to try and find a multi step geocache on main street. It was a very cool scavenger hunt that sent us to 10 historic places along main street gathering clues that were eventually turned into the coordinates for the cache.
We picked up excellent pizza in town for dinner and played games that evening.

Thursday we headed to South Carolina to do a bit of zippin'! There are zipline courses all over the area and we talked Dani into trying it this year. I have to say she was pretty scared at first but quickly warmed up to the adventure and became the expert zipper amongst us. Our guide told us she was the best young kid she had ever had in a group-wahoo! We rushed home after the ziplining to make the opening of "Sylvia" at the Highlands Playhouse. Scott is president of the board this year and it was a real treat to see him in action.

Friday was Dani's 9th birthday! We went into town, we found another geocache at Sunset Rock, we went gem mining, we went back to bust your butt falls and Cathy did the cliff jump for the first time :) For dinner we had grilled steaks, eggplant, cake and drinks...oh, a few presents too! And the entire day was wrapped up with another wii tournament and fashion show!

Scott drove us to the airport on Saturday after breakfast and the feeding of the new koi that came for the pond. We had some time to kill and Scott had heard the botanical gardens in Asheville were beautiful. We hit the gardens and they were quite impressive. The bonzai gardens were really amazing. The flight home was uneventful again and we were truly sad the week had gone by so fast. Our yearly visit with the 'Uncles' is something we look forward to and we are so grateful to have them in our lives!!! Next year? Falls well the Hamster balls, Yellow Mountain, the Deliverance River and who knows what else!

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