We took off last Wednesday from our friend Maury's house outside of Seattle and headed to the North Cascades. Originally we had a loop hike planned outside of Stehekin but the heavy snow year and late summer thaw had caused us to change our plans since the ice axe, crampons and falling to your death thing didn't appeal to us so much this year. We picked up our permit at the ranger station in Marblemount, graciously declined the bear canisters they recommended and headed off. Here is a recap of our adventure!
Day 1
beautiful hike along thunder creek
campsite (Macalaster) high above
finding a tree strong enough to hold gaylas snack pack (for bear bagging)
Day 2
uphill hike
first icy cold ford
rainy campsite (Cosho)
32 piles of bear poop on the trail (we counted!)
finding a tree strong enough to hold gayla's snack pack
Day 3
sleeping in 'cause it was below freezing
day hike into thunder basin-awe inspiring!
hoping the same tree was strong enough to hold gayla's snack pack
Day 4
Skagit Queen campsite
land of the upside down Seuss trees
land of the weird claw like trees
finding a tree strong enough to hold gayla's snack pack
Day 5
early morn day hike to Park Creek Basin
later day backpack to Tricouni
lovely campsite with trees strong enough to hold gayla's snack pack
Day 6
hike out to Colonial Creek
lot's of day hikers
beautiful flowers starting to wake up
Of course there is tons I forgot already but really my backpacking trips are about living in the moment, living simply, living focused. I once again am ever grateful to my friend Gayla for giving me guidance, laughter & a warm body at night :)
later, rob