Aftrewards, Trent and I went out to Capitol Hill and he took me to the bar that Nirvana used to play at when they were just a regular ol' grunge band.

Yesterday Trent and I went for a bike ride around Union Lake and had lunch at one of the many bakeries in the area. A few chores and a nap in the afternoon and then we walked to dinner at Ravish, a small plate restaurant. We opted for the flank steak skewers, the beet salad and the baked brie with apples and caramel. Trent had a cocktail called Greyhound and I had a gimlet that was made with cucumbers, basil and lime, really delish! We drove over to whole foods last night and I stocked up on some food for the road trip today and scored some of Fran's salted caramels...he he he
I am off today back down to Oregon and making my way to the Gman and whatever fun along the way!
later, rob
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